Goddess Worship in the Hermetic Qabalah

I had this thought a while ago that the “Pillar of Mercy” could be better seen as the feminine column and the “Pillar of Severity” could be better seen as the masculine column. First of all, the concept of “mercy” is more feminine than “severity.” The traditional interpretation, Chokmah is in Sephira 2 because in … Read more

Death – Tarot Card Meaning

death rider-waite-smith

Death Ruled by Scorpio, ruled by Mars Keywords: ending, transformation, change, rebirth, starting over, cycles of life Rider-Waite-Smith In the Wait-Smith version, we see death, in black, riding a horse, carrying a flag embroidered with a harvest crown. The Reaper has come to harvest.  The basic meaning is that of rebirth. Just because you die, … Read more

The High Priestess – Tarot Card Meaning

the high priestess RWS

The High Priestess Keywords: initiation, divination, lunar, manifestation, actualization, feminine, divine, witchcraft, mystic,  Represents the Moon Associated with: Persephone, Demeter, Isis, Artemis, The Virgin Mary Rider-Waite-Smith The RWS High Priestess wears the crown the Isis, a symbol of the moon, which suggests the triplicity of the moon phases; this symbolism has long been associated with … Read more

4 of Swords Tarot card meaning

Four of Swords Thoth

Cardinal Air Jupiter in Libra Keywords: rest, meditation, relaxation, introspection, recharging, balance, equillibrium Chesed, ruled by Jupiter, realm of the Wise King, the Lawgiver. Representing the concept of Expansion, Growth, and Luck. Chesed is the first manifestation below the Abyss, receiving directly the energy of Binah, the Great Mother. Swords represent the realm of Yetzirah, … Read more

Getting to Know My Thoth Deck

Four of Swords and Prince of Wands

Left: How should I approach you?Right: How can I respect your wisdom? How should I approach you: 4 of Swords. Truce. Balance. Jupiter in Libra. Expansion and cardnality together finding balance in the Adjustment of Libra. Equal and opposite reaction. Equilibrium. Finding realization in the first manifestation in the Tree of Life. Balancing intellect with … Read more

Justice – Tarot Card Meaning

Justice Rider-waite-smith

Justice Libra, exalted in Saturn Ruled by Venus Cardinal Air Keywords: fairness, balance, justice, righteousness, equity, legality, equilibrium, karma, grace, seeing both sides, harmony Rider-Waite-Smith In the RWS, we see Lady Justice sitting upon a throne wearing green and red robes. In her Right hand is a sword and in her left is a set … Read more

Gender and the Tarot

Magician and High Priestess

  Often you hear tarot readers talk a lot about masculine and femine energy while doing tarot readings. What does this mean? If the Queen of Cups represents feminine energy does that mean it is indicative of women or only applies to women? Not at all! There are masculine women and feminine men and everything … Read more

Tarot Guide: Classical Elements and Tarot

The Five Elements

The Minor Arcana is split into four Suites: Wands: ruled by Element of Fire, energetic, passionate, desirous, active, masculine component of Yang of the Yin-Yang dynamic, sparking thought, manifesting, illuminating, emmanating Cups: ruled by Element of Water, emotionally energetic, intuitive, dreamy, passive and mobile but also dense and forceful when gathered in waves, feminine, receptive … Read more

The Wheel of Fortune – Tarot Card Meaning

Wheel of Fortune RWS

The Wheel of Fortune Ruled by Jupiter Element: Fire Keywords: fate, destiny, change, cycles of life & death, turning point, serendipity, possibility Related concept: Dharmic Wheel of Buddhism  Rider-Waite-Smith In the Waite-Smith Wheel of Fortune we see a karmic wheel rotating, upon which we see the creatures of the Sphinx, Typhon (as a snake), and … Read more

The Magician – Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician rider-waite-smith

The Magician Other associations: Hermes, The Messenger of the Gods, the Word, Logos Represented by Mercury Keywords: manifestation, will, determination, transmission through action, creation, ideation, conduit Kether, The Crown, ruled by Pluto, the card which is spirit territorializing matter. Rider-Waite-Smith The Magician is the one who makes things happen through sheer force of Will in … Read more