Sri Ramakrishna, Jesus Christ, and the New Age of Incarnation

picture of Sri Ramakrishna in samadhi

Richard Richard writes in his book The Universal Christ that modern Christianity is in a crisis and part of that crisis is lacking a sufficiently incarnational theology of Christ. For too long Christians have thought of God’s incarnation as localized only to 33 years of humanity in the life of a certain Jesus of Nazareth, … Read more

Advaita Vedanta, Thomas Merton, and the Future of Religion

portrait of Thomas Merton

This essay is a meditation on Advaita Vedanta, Thomas Merton’s conception of Grace, and the future of rational religion in the Modern West, which is currently experiencing a tremendous crisis of meaning as we face the disastrous spiritual, ethical, and environmental implications of materialism and its logical entailment of nihilism. As always, I am indebted … Read more

The Future of Christianity is Advaita Vedanta

Ornate cathedral altar

In this short meditation on Vedantic Christianity, I will make the case that the Future of Christianity is Advaita Vedanta through and through. As always, I am indebted to Swami Sarvapriyananda for awakening my spiritual fire and teaching me the true lessons of Advaita Vedanta, which I am by no means qualified to teach but … Read more