Advaita Vedanta and the Ontological Argument

AI Art Midjourney of person standing in golden library

This essay investigates Western theology’s ontological argument for God’s existence, analyzes its shortcomings, and puts forward the thesis that Advaita Vedanta’s ontological argument based on phenomenology escapes from Kant’s famous criticism. As always, I am indebted to Swami Sarvapriyananda from the Ramakrishna Order for his lectures on Advaita Vedanta. Any failure to do justice to … Read more

From Physicalism to the Pure Consciousness of Vedanta

AI Midjourney art of abstract whirls of oil paint

This is an essay about how I went from the world of physicalism and thinking consciousness is a mere linguistic illusion to the sublime heights of Advaita Vedanta, which argues Consciousness is the ultimate ontological foundation of reality. First, let me state I am not a teacher of Vedanta. I am but a mere student … Read more

Advaita Vedanta and Sri Ramakrishna’s Divine Immanence

photograph of small blue window doors embedded into yellow wall

Preliminary note: I want to admit at the start that I have the utmost respect for Swami Medhananda, and I consider him to be a vastly superior scholar in the domain Advaita Vedanta and Ramakrishna-Vivikenananda studies. Furthermore, in full disclosure, I have not finished reading his book Swami Vivekananda’s Vedantic Cosmopolitanism. Some might think this automatically … Read more

The Future of Christianity is Advaita Vedanta

Ornate cathedral altar

In this short meditation on Vedantic Christianity, I will make the case that the Future of Christianity is Advaita Vedanta through and through. As always, I am indebted to Swami Sarvapriyananda for awakening my spiritual fire and teaching me the true lessons of Advaita Vedanta, which I am by no means qualified to teach but … Read more

God, Consciousness, and the Spiritual Life of Fungi


Philosophers and theologians often describe God as a kind of ultimate necessary being that undergirds the contingency of the world. And not a “being” as a kind of “entity.” God is not an entity. God is not an agent in the ordinary sense. If God is anything, they are beyond the limitations of that distinction. … Read more

I Am No Longer an Atheist, but I Was Never “Lost”


I was lost but now I was found. I was in darkness but now I have come into the light. I was broken and now I am saved. These are all familiar metaphors of Christian “testimony,” that age-old genre overflowing with cliches and dead metaphors whereby former nonbelievers recount how terrible their lives were until … Read more

Jung and Religion: Meditations on Christian Theology


This post is the result of a spontaneous outflow of thought on Jung and Religion, as it relates to Christian Theology. Part prayer, part meditation, part musing, I hope you, the reader, enjoy the journey as I meander through the landscape of Christian theology while wearing Jungian lenses. My aim is to poetically explore the … Read more

N.T. Wright on the Resurrection: A Jungian Analysis


The central claim of the orthodox Christian faith is that Jesus Christ was crucified and three days later was resurrected. The Christian scholar N.T. Wright argues from a careful study of Jewish and Christian sources that the early Christian apostles claimed very specifically that Jesus underwent a bodily resurrection. From a Jewish context, this is … Read more

What Is Daimonic Psychology? A Guide to Guardian Angels

Guardian Angel

What is Daimonic psychology? It is the study of the phenomenon of people reporting the presence of “personal guardian spirits,” a phenomenon that has been attested cross-culturally for thousands of years. In the Christian tradition, we call them “Guardian Angels.” “God Himself begins to live in me not only as my Creator but as my … Read more

How Does Omnipresence Work?

Hagia Sophia

The term “omnipresence” has become cold and abstract, rattled off in a chain of impressive-sounding predicates, like a used car salesman hyping up a luxury model. It is usually defined as the property of being present everywhere at once. But what does “present” really mean? Present in what way? How does omnipresence work? As it … Read more