Vedanta, Metamodernism, and the Future of Western Spirituality

neon "buy" sign in front of american flag

Many students of the Western humanities are familiar with modernism and its historical response, postmodernism. But what comes after postmodernism? Some cultural theorists have proposed a synthesis of modernism and postmodernism that includes both but simultaneously transcends them. This transcendental-synthetic project is called metamodernism. In this essay, I will argue that the Hindu philosophy of … Read more

Jung and Religion: Meditations on Christian Theology


This post is the result of a spontaneous outflow of thought on Jung and Religion, as it relates to Christian Theology. Part prayer, part meditation, part musing, I hope you, the reader, enjoy the journey as I meander through the landscape of Christian theology while wearing Jungian lenses. My aim is to poetically explore the … Read more

What Is Daimonic Psychology? A Guide to Guardian Angels

Guardian Angel

What is Daimonic psychology? It is the study of the phenomenon of people reporting the presence of “personal guardian spirits,” a phenomenon that has been attested cross-culturally for thousands of years. In the Christian tradition, we call them “Guardian Angels.” “God Himself begins to live in me not only as my Creator but as my … Read more

A New Order in Dedication to the Spiritual Practice of Tarot

As Above, So Below

Editor’s Note: This post is mostly experimental and tongue-in-cheek I hereby call into being a New Order, The Order of the Holy Tarot. The sociologist of religion Milton Yinger defined religion as “a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggles with the ultimate problems of human life.” (The … Read more