Divine Femininity: Sri Ramakrishna and Christ the Mother

Black and white photograph of Hindu goddess Kali

Praise be to Sri Ramakrishna for his teachings which have inspired so many to deepen their spiritual lives in this great age of materialism and spiritual decline. His teachings are desperately needed in the Christian West, which has lost a living, breathing tradition of mysticism straight from the wellspring of Incarnation. Let Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s … Read more

Advaita Vedanta, Thomas Merton, and the Future of Religion

portrait of Thomas Merton

This essay is a meditation on Advaita Vedanta, Thomas Merton’s conception of Grace, and the future of rational religion in the Modern West, which is currently experiencing a tremendous crisis of meaning as we face the disastrous spiritual, ethical, and environmental implications of materialism and its logical entailment of nihilism. As always, I am indebted … Read more

The Future of Christianity is Advaita Vedanta

Ornate cathedral altar

In this short meditation on Vedantic Christianity, I will make the case that the Future of Christianity is Advaita Vedanta through and through. As always, I am indebted to Swami Sarvapriyananda for awakening my spiritual fire and teaching me the true lessons of Advaita Vedanta, which I am by no means qualified to teach but … Read more

Vedantic Christianity and Its Essential Message

Midjourney AI painting of Christian monk praying

This short essay is a meditation on Vedantic Christianity, which is a recognition of the essential, mystical truth of Christianity and its perfect parallel in the spiritual system of Advaita Vedanta, inspired by the Great Swami Vivekananda and his masterwork of spiritual philosophy Jnana Yoga. In all my writings, I do not consider myself a … Read more

Christianity and Advaita Vedanta: The Kingdom of God is Within

Midjourney AI painting of woman standing before a giant brain in a museum

This essay is a meditation on Christianity and Advaita Vedanta, specifically Jesus’s mystical insight that the kingdom of God is “within” and its perfect parallel with the concept of Self as understood in Advaita Vedanta. As always, I owe all my understanding of Advaita Vedanta to the wise and erudite fountain of Vedantic knowledge that … Read more

Advaita Vedanta and Christianity: Towards a Cosmopolitan Spirituality

photograph of Christian painting inside of cathedral

This essay is a partly autobiographical story of how I discovered the beautiful combination of Advaita Vedanta and Christianity, along with an attempt to work out a Cosmopolitan Christian-Vedantic Spirituality inspired by the wonderful wisdom of Swami Vivekananda and his still-unrealized vision for a religion of the future. I believe any modern spirituality worth its … Read more

The Negative Theology of Advaita Vedanta

small waves dancing on top of the ocean

I humbly dedicate this post to Swami Sarvapriyananda, who has graciously shared so many masterful lectures on Advaita Vedanta on the Vedanta Society of NY’s YouTube channel. If I am successful even a smidgeon in articulating the wisdom of Advaita Vedanta, it is due to him. “Only the hand that erases can write the true … Read more

Buddhism, Christianity, and an Experimental Model of Spirituality

Statue of Jesus

I continue to have doubts about any complete disavowal of Christianity. As soon as I discard the institutional or metaphysical trappings of Christianity, I begin to feel drawn to Jesus the human as an awakened being, just as the Buddha was also just an ordinary human being who came to be enlightened. Both were extraordinary … Read more

Christianity and Zen: On Being at Home in Paradox


Can one be a Christian and also be a Zen Buddhist? One might think insofar as “Buddhism” and “Christianity” share a different set of doctrines and traditions that Christianity and Zen are mutually exclusive conceptual systems. However, Christianity and Zen actually have a lot in common which you strip Christianity of its doctrinal and liturgical … Read more

God, Consciousness, and the Spiritual Life of Fungi


Philosophers and theologians often describe God as a kind of ultimate necessary being that undergirds the contingency of the world. And not a “being” as a kind of “entity.” God is not an entity. God is not an agent in the ordinary sense. If God is anything, they are beyond the limitations of that distinction. … Read more