Advaita Vedanta and the Ontological Argument

AI Art Midjourney of person standing in golden library

This essay investigates Western theology’s ontological argument for God’s existence, analyzes its shortcomings, and puts forward the thesis that Advaita Vedanta’s ontological argument based on phenomenology escapes from Kant’s famous criticism. As always, I am indebted to Swami Sarvapriyananda from the Ramakrishna Order for his lectures on Advaita Vedanta. Any failure to do justice to … Read more

From Physicalism to the Pure Consciousness of Vedanta

AI Midjourney art of abstract whirls of oil paint

This is an essay about how I went from the world of physicalism and thinking consciousness is a mere linguistic illusion to the sublime heights of Advaita Vedanta, which argues Consciousness is the ultimate ontological foundation of reality. First, let me state I am not a teacher of Vedanta. I am but a mere student … Read more

Advaita Vedanta and Sri Ramakrishna’s Divine Immanence

photograph of small blue window doors embedded into yellow wall

Preliminary note: I want to admit at the start that I have the utmost respect for Swami Medhananda, and I consider him to be a vastly superior scholar in the domain Advaita Vedanta and Ramakrishna-Vivikenananda studies. Furthermore, in full disclosure, I have not finished reading his book Swami Vivekananda’s Vedantic Cosmopolitanism. Some might think this automatically … Read more

Advaita Vedanta: the One and the Many

bust statue of Plotinus

Why did the One become the Many? Any student of philosophy, East or West, knows this question to be perhaps the most fundamental of all questions. In my opinion, traditional Advaita Vedanta has the most eloquent, precise, and spiritually enlightening answer to this question of any other competing philosophical school. I do not proclaim to … Read more

What is Brahman in Advaita Vedanta?

Painting of the cosmos flowing into a human brain

What is Brahman in Advaita Vedanta? What is the Absolute? This short essay will attempt to answer this question in plain English, to the extent that is even possible given the inherent limitations of language when talking about this subject matter. I owe an infinite debt to the wisdom and erudition of Swami Sarvapriyananda for … Read more

Advaita Vedanta Explained Simply

Painting of adi-shankaracharya

This essay will not be focused on rigorous argumentation and logic-chopping. I will rather focus on stating conclusions about fundamental reality that I have learned from studying Advaita Vedanta from Swami Sarvapriyananda’s lectures (freely available on YouTube). I am not expecting you, the reader, to accept these statements intellectually. Rather this is a poetic exercise … Read more

Advaita Vedanta: Why You Are Not the Body

black and white photo of a human back with their head bent forward and the spine sticking out

“You are not the body, nor is the body yours; you are not the doer nor the enjoyer. You are Consciousness itself, the eternal Witness, and free. Go about happily.” ~ Ashtavakra Gita, Chap. 15, verse 4 In this statement is contained the essence of Advaita Vedanta. In this essay, I will defend the following … Read more

God, Consciousness, and the Spiritual Life of Fungi


Philosophers and theologians often describe God as a kind of ultimate necessary being that undergirds the contingency of the world. And not a “being” as a kind of “entity.” God is not an entity. God is not an agent in the ordinary sense. If God is anything, they are beyond the limitations of that distinction. … Read more

Consciousness and the Mysteries of Transcendence


Humans are a part of Nature, and God is said to transcend Nature. But yet Christ is supposed to be within us always. So God is both within us and beyond us. She is us. But She is beyond us as She is beyond everything. But somehow also incarnated in everything.  This makes ideas like … Read more

The Matrix Resurrections: A Trans-Philosophical Analysis

The Matrix Resurrectionsss

I went into The Matrix Resurrections with zero knowledge or expectations outside of the trailers. And boy was I surprised at how much I liked it. I was surprised at how stunningly original and fresh this material was (I’ll return to this theme of originality again as it seems to be a theme in some … Read more