Why I Am Abandoning Christianity (Again)

A lake and a forest from above

I am abandoning Christianity (again). For the past few years I have been exploring a rich world of spiritual and religious belief, diving deep into these waters after over a decade in the ontological desert of physicalistic atheism.  I have dabbled in every kind of neopaganism and eclectic occultism but eventually settled on a kind … Read more

Christianity and Zen: On Being at Home in Paradox


Can one be a Christian and also be a Zen Buddhist? One might think insofar as “Buddhism” and “Christianity” share a different set of doctrines and traditions that Christianity and Zen are mutually exclusive conceptual systems. However, Christianity and Zen actually have a lot in common which you strip Christianity of its doctrinal and liturgical … Read more

Can You be a Christian and Believe in Astrology?


Many Christians are wondering: can you be a Christian and believe in astrology? In short, yes. You can be a Christian and believe in quite a number of things like astrology, Tarot, crystals, etc. But isn’t that pagan and against God? Doesn’t the Bible say things like divination and “sorcery” are forbidden? There are definitely … Read more

God, Consciousness, and the Spiritual Life of Fungi


Philosophers and theologians often describe God as a kind of ultimate necessary being that undergirds the contingency of the world. And not a “being” as a kind of “entity.” God is not an entity. God is not an agent in the ordinary sense. If God is anything, they are beyond the limitations of that distinction. … Read more

Consciousness and the Mysteries of Transcendence


Humans are a part of Nature, and God is said to transcend Nature. But yet Christ is supposed to be within us always. So God is both within us and beyond us. She is us. But She is beyond us as She is beyond everything. But somehow also incarnated in everything.  This makes ideas like … Read more