201 Questions to Ask Tarot Cards

The Importance of Asking Good Questions

When it comes to Tarot reading, many people focus on how to interpret cards and less on how to ask the right questions. But in fact, asking the right question is half the battle when it comes to finding good answers. But it takes a certain amount of Tarot wisdom to figure out what questions to ask Tarot cards such that they are liable to give you a good answer.

As I already explained at length in this post about asking yes/no questions, most experienced Tarot readers agree that the more open-ended a question, the better.

Below you will find a comprehensive list of 201 questions to ask the Tarot, broken into different categories.

Keep in mind, these are questions would ask the Tarot. But the best question is the one you truly need to have answered, so feel free to modify or adjust my questions to better suit your needs.

Questions to Ask About Your Daily Life

  1. What do I need to be aware of today?
  2. What energy should I bring to today?
  3. What do I need to watch out for today?
  4. What lesson do I need to ponder today?
  5. What should I be grateful for today?

Questions to Ask About a Particular Situation

  1. What do I need to know about this situation?
  2. What am I ignorant about?
  3. How are my personal biases impacting my perception of the situation?
  4. What are the potential dangers I need to be more conscious of?

Questions to Ask About Your Self

  1. What aspect of my personality is holding me back from my goals?
  2. What lesson do I need to learn from my past?
  3. What am I most passionate about?
  4. What do I need to forgive myself about?
  5. What mistake do I keep making over and over?
  6. What am I currently ignorant of?
  7. Is there trauma in my life that I need to process more?
  8. What is something I don’t like about myself that I am suppressing?
  9. What is my purpose in life?
  10. What am I holding onto shame and guilt about?
  11. What is my biggest strength?
  12. What is my biggest weakness?
  13. What am I most proud of?
  14. What am I too proud of?
  15. What do I need to be more humble about?
  16. How do people see me that differs from how I see myself?
  17. What do I need to be more grateful about?
  18. How can I better love myself?
  19. What advice would you give my past self?
  20. What is my attachment style?
  21. What am I most scared of?
  22. What is my best/worst quality?
  23. What can I not live without?
  24. What are the things tempting me right now?
  25. Is there anything I am emotionally “numb” about?
  26. What is irritating me in my life right now?
  27. What emotion am I suppressing?
  28. What baggage do I need to let go of?

Questions to Ask About Your Beliefs

  1. Is there anything I should be more skeptical about?
  2. What is something I believe only because I was raised to believe it?
  3. Where do my values come really come from?
  4. What belief about myself is holding me back?
  5. What do I need to know about people who are on different ends of the political/religious/social spectrum?

Questions to Ask About Your Goals

  1. What would I want to do with my life if I could overcome fear?
  2. What goals of mine are unrealistic?
  3. Do I need to focus more on a single goal?
  4. Am I comfortable with how much of a jack-of-all-trades I am?
  5. How can I better decide if I should quit?
  6. What would really make me happy?
  7. What is my #1 priority right now?
  8. How important is freedom to me?
  9. If my life continued on its current trajectory, would I be happy in a year? 5 years? 10 years?

Questions to Ask About Potential Romantic Relationships

  1. If my crush did not like me back, how would that impact my life?
  2. How would my life be different if “soulmates” didn’t exist?
  3. What do I need to know about dating?
  4. How can I be more authentic in the dating process?
  5. Which lessons from past romances can I apply to my current hunt for love?
  6. What do I need to know about my desire for love?
  7. How important to me is an emotional connection before hooking up?
  8. How can I make myself a better future partner?
  9. Do I feel overly entitled to having a relationship?
  10. Is having a relationship really something I want right now?
  11. What kind of relationship do I truly desire?
  12. What qualities do I truly value in a relationship?
  13. How important is physical appearance to me?
  14. Is monogamy really right for me (as opposed to ethical non-monogamy)?
  15. What red flags do I need to watch out for?

Questions to Ask About Current Romantic Relationships

  1. What do I need to work on communicating to my partner?
  2. Do I have a healthy sense of independence and autonomy from my partner?
  3. How can I think better about jealousy?
  4. How can I be better friends with my partner?
  5. Am I holding onto any contempt for my partner?
  6. Am I holding onto any resentment for my partner?
  7. What am I being too defensive about with my partner?
  8. What do I need to open up about with my partner?
  9. What secret haven’t I told my partner about?
  10. How far up do I want to go up the “relationship escalator“?
  11. Am I only monogamous because that’s what society expects or do I truly want my one partner to fulfill all my needs forever?
  12. What do I need to know about my current relationship that I am not seeing?
  13. Have I settled in this relationship?
  14. Are my expectations about the relationship realistic?
  15. What expectations do I need to better communicate about this relationship?
  16. Am I being sexist in my expectations of what my partner should be doing?
  17. Do I need “puppy love” to be happy?
  18. What does commitment mean to me?

Questions to Ask About Past Romantic Relationships

  1. What can I do to let go of the past?
  2. Have I truly forgiven my ex?
  3. Why do I care so much about getting back with my ex?
  4. Will my best self be served by getting back with my ex?
  5. How can I be more mature in my opinion of my past relationships?

Questions to Ask About Family

  1. How can I develop a better relationship with my [family member]?
  2. [If you are estranged from your family] How can I develop a better relationship with my chosen family?
  3. What does family mean to me?
  4. What is my support network?

Question to Ask About Relationships in General

  1. What boundary do I need to be more firm about?
  2. Is there someone in my life I need to reach out to?
  3. Are the people I’m spending the most time with lifting me up or bringing me down?
  4. Is there anyone taking advantage of me?

Questions to Ask About Identity

  1. Who am I?
  2. How can I be more authentic?
  3. What am I in the closet about?
  4. Am I living a lie?
  5. Am I too focused on what society thinks of me?
  6. What would my life be like if I didn’t care what anyone thought of me?
  7. What “rules” of society drive me crazy?
  8. What is a part of myself that feels like I have to keep hidden from friends and family?

Questions to Ask About Creativity

  1. How can I better tap into my creative powers?
  2. Am I expressing myself creatively the best I can?
  3. How can I better pursue my artistic passions?

Questions to Ask About Making a Decision

  1. What do I need to know to make a better decision?
  2. What is an “unknown unknown” that would change the trajectory of my life?
  3. How much risk do I feel comfortable with?
  4. What is a potential benefit I am overlooking?
  5. What is a potential downside I am overlooking?
  6. Am I relying too much on what my parents think? On what society thinks?

Questions to Ask About Life and Death

  1. How do I overcome a fear of death?
  2. How would I prefer to die?
  3. If I was on my deathbed, would what I regret?
  4. If there was no afterlife, how would my life be different?
  5. If I was going to die tomorrow, what should I do today?
  6. How will I be remembered when I die?

Questions to Ask About the Future

  1. What is out of my control and scares me about the future?
  2. How can I better prepare my mind to handle uncertainty?
  3. How can I make myself benefit from future stressors (anti-fragility)?
  4. Is my current success too dependent on things in the future out of my control?
  5. Am I focusing too much on the short-term at the expense of the long-term?
  6. How much value do I place on structure?

Questions to Ask About Ethics

  1. How can I be a better person?
  2. What biases do I need to work on overcoming?
  3. What does it mean to live a good life?
  4. What am I doing to help those worse off than myself?
  5. What am I doing to fight systems of injustice?
  6. How can I develop more empathy?

Questions to Ask About Your Career

  1. If money was no object, what would I do with my life?
  2. If I were retired, what would I spend my days doing?
  3. What could I spend hours talking about?
  4. What am I really good at?
  5. What do I want to be really good at?
  6. How can I improve my work/life balance?
  7. What skills could I teach myself in my free time to improve my job prospects?
  8. Is my identity too wrapped up in my job?
  9. How do I get over imposter syndrome?
  10. Do I find meaning in my work?
  11. Do I need to find meaning in my work to be happy?
  12. Would I rather have a boring, stable job or take on more risk?
  13. Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

Questions to Ask About Money

  1. How can I improve my relationship to money?
  2. How can I get my spending under control?
  3. What do I actually want to save up for?
  4. How can I improve my relationship to acquiring “stuff”?
  5. Am I being honest with myself about my financial situation?
  6. Am I relying too much on shopping as “retail therapy”?

Questions to Ask About Self-Improvement

  1. What do I need to do in order to have discipline?
  2. What habits do I need to work on breaking?
  3. What habits do I need to work on forming?
  4. How can I be a better leader?
  5. How can I be a better listener?
  6. What could I accomplish if I had enough determination?
  7. Are my biggest obstacles right now internal or external?
  8. What do I need to learn more about?
  9. What can I do to make my home life better?
  10. What do I need to know about the environment I live in?
  11. Who can I ask to be my mentor?
  12. What can I learn from people I admire?
  13. What do I need to know about the things I am procrastinating?

Questions to Ask About Spirituality

  1. Who or what is my Higher Power?
  2. How can I develop a better relationship with the divine?
  3. What does it mean for something to be sacred?
  4. How can I improve my ritual life?
  5. Do I feel like I need more or less spirituality in my life?
  6. If God did not exist, what would my spiritual life look like?
  7. How can I better honor my ancestors or come to terms with their behavior?
  8. What message do I need to hear from my spirit guide(s)?
  9. Is there a God? Or gods?
  10. What is the nature of reality?
  11. How can I find a harmonious balance between passivity and activity?

Questions to Ask About Friendship

  1. Am I spending the right amount of time developing the friendships that matter to me?
  2. How important is friendship to me?
  3. [If you want more friends] How do I get out of my comfort zone to make friends?

Questions to Ask About Wellness

  1. What can I do to set healthier boundaries in my life?
  2. What can I do to develop a healthier relationship to my body?
  3. What can I do to develop a healthier relationship to food?
  4. How can I better care for myself?
  5. What is the one thing I can remove from my life to live better?
  6. What is the one thing I can add to my life to live better?
  7. How can I improve my relationship to sleep?
  8. What is a source of stress in my life I need to pay more attention to?

Questions to Ask When You Get a New Deck*

  1. Who are you?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. What can you help me with?
  4. How can I develop a better ritual practice with you?
  5. Are there particular kinds of readings you prefer?
  6. What do you think of me?
  7. What is the first message you have for me?

*Note: Not everyone anthropomorphizes their decks, but if you do, it can be fun to “interview” new decks

Questions to Ask About Philosophy

  1. What is the relationship of my mind to my body?
  2. What do I need to know about my Soul?
  3. What is the Soul?
  4. Is my consciousness material or immaterial?
  5. If everything was material, how would my life be different?
  6. What is the meaning of life?
  7. What does it mean to be human?
  8. What is the relation of my Self to the Other?
  9. What is happiness?
  10. Is Truth absolute or relative?
  11. Is there any belief that I take on faith?
  12. Can faith be rational?


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