Tarot Spreads from Simple to Complex

How to Approach a Tarot Reading

The Nature of the Tarot Reading

What is the relation between reader and querent?

“Tarot divination, unlike astrological charting or psychological testing, requires the here/now relational field between reader and querent. In this way it is closer to psychotherapy and ballroom dancing.” (Tarot and Psychology, p. 35)

Shuffling a Tarot Deck

“When you shuffle a deck of tarot cards and lay them on the table, you’re actually putting an entire universe into motion. Every time you deal the cards, you’re creating a new reality – just as the planets and signs of astrology align to represent a new reality for every child born on Earth.” (Tarot and Astrology, p. 3)

The Tarot Mindset

The book Tarot and psychology (p. 43) points out something critical in regard to the psychological/therapeutic effectiveness of reading: one must have perfect trust in the outcome of the reading.

Furthermore, one must believe that the Tarot cards have the potential to be accurate. As Michelle Tea said, “If the person receiving the reading doesn’t actually believe in the Tarot, the Tarot doesn’t work, like a fairy whose existence has to be affirmed for her to survive. Tarot readings are an exchange of trusting energy between the reader and the seeker, and if that faithful collaboration is missing — in my experience – the magic does not happen.” (Modern Tarot, p. 3)


[In progress]

  • One card Spreads
    • Card of the day
    • Energy of the day
    • Gratitude
    • Who can I embody

Card of the day

Questions to ask:

  • What attitude do I need to have a good day?
  • What challenges are ahead of me today?
  • What message do I need to hear today?
  • How can I listen to my guides within?
  • How can I listen to my guides without?
  • What do I need to be mindful of today?
  • How can I lean into my strengths today?
  • How can I overcome my weaknesses today?
  • Two card Spreads
    • Release – Receive
    • Doing well – Do better
    • Do this – Don’t do this
    • Challenge – Advice
  • Three card Spreads
    • Past – Present – Future
    • Within – Without – Advice
    • Pro – Con – Advice
    • Think – Say – Do
    • Current situation – Obstacle – Advice
    • Body – Mind – Spirit
    • Stop – Start – Continue
    • Tomorrow – Next Week – Next Month
    • Today – Tomorrow – Advice
    • What do I value? – What do I desire? – How do I achieve it?
    • What should I be grateful for?
      • 1. Something internal
      • 2. Something external
      • 3. Something spiritual
  • Four Card Spreads
    • Tomorrow – Next Week – Next Month – Next Year

Five card Spreads

Expanded Past Present Future

simple cross 5
  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future
  4. Hopes/Aspirations
  5. Fears/Obstacles

Past Present Hidden Influences

5 card spread
  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Hidden influences
  4. Advice
  5. Possible outcome

Six Card Spreads

Simple cross

small cross

Like the Celtic Cross but without right-hand staff

    1. Heart of the matter
    2. Immediate challenges/obstacles
    3. Roots/foundation of situation
    4. Past influences
    5. Aspirations/higher aspects of situation
    6. Near future outcome

Expanded Past Present Future

simple cross
  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future
  4. Hopes/Dreams
  5. Deep Unconscious
  6. Advice

Ten Card Spreads

Celtic Cross

Celtic Cross
  1. Heart of the matter
  2. Immediate challenges/obstacles
  3. Roots/foundation of situation
  4. Past influences
  5. Aspirations/higher aspects of situation
  6. Near future outcome
  7. Self/own attitude toward situation
  8. External influences on situation
  9. Hopes and fears
  10. Likely outcome/sum total of issue

Expanded Cross

extended past present future
  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future
  4. Hopes/Dreams
  5. Fears
  6. Advice
  7. The Unconscious Mind
  8. The Conscious Mind
  9. Obstacles
  10. Spirit Guide/Higher Power

Modified Double Celtic Cross

double cross
  1. Material present situation (Life)
  2. Material obstacle (Limitations)
  3. Material foundation (Unconscious)
  4. Material past (Influences)
  5. Material aspiration (Conscious)
  6. Material outcome/Spiritual Past (Growth)
  7. Spiritual present situation (Mind)
  8. Spiritual obstacle (Limitations)
  9. Spiritual foundation (Logos)
  10. Spiritual aspiration (Higher Consciousness)
  11. Spiritual outcome (Manifestation)

Interviewing Your New Deck

(from Ohm Terra – found on pinterest)

  1. What is your personality like?
  2. What kind of reading are you best suited for?
  3. Strengths?
  4. Weaknesses?
  5. How can we work together?
  6. Message you’d like to give me

Connecting With your Deck

  1. How should I approach you?
  2. How can I respect your wisdom?

Spiritual Work

1 card

  • What does the Tarot want me to know about the present moment?
  • What can I learn from history?
  • What is the nature of divinity?
  • What do I need to do to grow closer to the Sacred?

Tarot Spellwork

  • I humbly ask you to work with the gods to improve my life in the area of life represented by this card

3 card

  1. How do you see me?
  2. How should I visualize you right now?
  3. What is the nature of our relationship


Related Links

101 Daily Tarot Spreads

68 Three-Card Tarot Spreads

201 Questions to Ask Tarot Cards

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