Jung and Religion: Meditations on Christian Theology


This post is the result of a spontaneous outflow of thought on Jung and Religion, as it relates to Christian Theology. Part prayer, part meditation, part musing, I hope you, the reader, enjoy the journey as I meander through the landscape of Christian theology while wearing Jungian lenses. My aim is to poetically explore the … Read more

Did Jesus Bodily Rise from the Dead?

Jesus Christ's Entombment

Did Jesus bodily rise from the dead? This is the core question of Christianity. Many Christians believe that the entire crux of Christianity depends on the truth or falsity of this claim. Such Christians believe that if we could someone travel back in time and discover that Jesus’ physical body was still in the tomb then the … Read more

N.T. Wright on the Resurrection: A Jungian Analysis


The central claim of the orthodox Christian faith is that Jesus Christ was crucified and three days later was resurrected. The Christian scholar N.T. Wright argues from a careful study of Jewish and Christian sources that the early Christian apostles claimed very specifically that Jesus underwent a bodily resurrection. From a Jewish context, this is … Read more

What Is Daimonic Psychology? A Guide to Guardian Angels

Guardian Angel

What is Daimonic psychology? It is the study of the phenomenon of people reporting the presence of “personal guardian spirits,” a phenomenon that has been attested cross-culturally for thousands of years. In the Christian tradition, we call them “Guardian Angels.” “God Himself begins to live in me not only as my Creator but as my … Read more

How Does Omnipresence Work?

Hagia Sophia

The term “omnipresence” has become cold and abstract, rattled off in a chain of impressive-sounding predicates, like a used car salesman hyping up a luxury model. It is usually defined as the property of being present everywhere at once. But what does “present” really mean? Present in what way? How does omnipresence work? As it … Read more

How Does Emanation Work in Christian Theology?


Wisdom 7:25 describes Wisdom as “a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty.” What is an emanation in this context? What does it mean that Wisdom emanates from God? We see the concept of emanation constantly in Neoplatonism, but how does emanation work in Christian theology? Here’s a metaphor I find helpful to my … Read more